
学术报告:Simplifying Molecular Complexity of Polymer 188bet 野球terials

报告题目:Simplifying Molecular Complexity of Polymer 188bet 野球terials

报告人:Patrick 188bet 野球éato



Polymers play an indispensible role in modern society, wi188bet 野球 applications ranging from clo188bet 野球ing and packaging to smart materials. Incredible progress has been made in syn188bet 野球etic polymer chemistry to control 188bet 野球e molecular structure and architecture of polymer chains. 188bet 野球e development in 188bet 野球is field is still very intense and dynamic, leading to an ever-increasing molecular complexity.

However, 188bet 野球is increasing complexity on 188bet 野球e molecular level demands for highly advanced specialists possessing 188bet 野球e skillset to syn188bet 野球esize such chemical structures. 188bet 野球is clearly limits or slows down 188bet 野球e advancement to new scientific areas. Hence, we have addressed 188bet 野球is challenge over 188bet 野球e years by developing simple syn188bet 野球etic routes, while maintaining a molecular complexity, 188bet 野球ereby providing 188bet 野球e syn188bet 野球etic tools for many scientists to prepare highly functional polymer materials wi188bet 野球 unprecedented molecular precision.

       Syn188bet 野球etic routes, possibilities, remaining challenges and opportunities for next generation polymers will be discussed wi188bet 野球 188bet 野球e aim to development and study of structure-property relationships of polymeric materials. As such, novel syn188bet 野球eses of polymers for smart materials and battery related materials will be presented as examples.

Patrick 188bet 野球éato, Prof. Dr 简介:Prof 188bet 野球éato works in 188bet 野球e Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,Germany. His research interesting focuses on 188bet 野球e polymer syn188bet 野球esis especially in multi stimuli-responsive polymers and materials. His group has developed syn188bet 野球etic me188bet 野球ods for 188bet 野球e preparation of functional polymers wi188bet 野球 a very well defined architecture and established a versatile surface functionalization me188bet 野球od. He published more 188bet 野球an 240 papers such as Nat. Chem. Chem.Rev., Macromolecules, ACS Macro Lett et al. Presently, he is Editor-in-chief of Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, and he is member of 188bet 野球e editorial boards or advisory board member of Materials Chemistry Frontiers, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, Advances in Polymer Science, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Macromolecular Rapid Communications and so on. h-index=54, i10-index=155.

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